Come home and feel good.

A desire that everyone shares with their habitats. But in almost every living room we are now surrounded by technology.

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Recharge your energy at home

Computers, household equipment, mobile phones & co. constantly transmit electromagnetic radiation in our habitats. These can resonate with human cells and organs and have a negative impact on their health and performance. Lack of concentration, headache, low performance or poor sleep can result. In public, these disturbing technical energies are called electrosmog.

We harmonize these technical and natural energy interference zones so that you can feel completely at home again.

Underfloor heating and cooling ceilings can exacerbate the impact of electrosmog, as they can act like natural energetic interference zones through linear water veins.

Feedback from satisfied customers

Our customers are convinced of the spatial harmonisation
because the positive effects are noticeable every day!


"At home relaxed, like on holiday, only better"

Residence in Berlin

"Having an energy filling station in a metropolis is simply awesome"
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